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Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

  At NovaSpine Pain Institute, we are committed to complying with and exceeding all of the recommendations that have been made by the various governing boards as a means of preventing the spread of COVID 19.  We have amped up our cleaning and thoroughly clean each treatment room and patient care area after every use.  We are using the recommended cleaners for optimal germ killing results and clean not only all of the surfaces but also doorknobs and any surfaces that could have been touched during a visit.  Every night the rooms are completely stripped for what is called a terminal clean with a very strong antibacterial cleanser.

     We are also limiting our waiting room to patients only.  We respectfully ask that all visitors wait in the car.  The chairs in our waiting room have been placed with at least 3 feet separating them and we encourage all of our patients to sit as far away from other patients as possible.  We are utilizing cell phones to call patients when it is their time to be seen for their appointments so they can remain in their cars until it is their actual appointment.  We also have masks and gloves at the front desk that are available for all patients to use during their appointments.

     We require any patient who feels ill with a cough, fever, body aches or sore throat on the day of their scheduled appointment reschedule that appointment.  If they are taking medication, a bridge of that medication can possibly be sent in to the pharmacy until they can be seen but it is very important that they do not come to the office and potentially expose others to their illness.  If it is determined that a patient is ill upon arrival to an appointment, they will be asked to leave and reschedule their appointment. There will be no exceptions.

     Our staff has all had special training in COVID 19, both with identifying it and preventing the spread of it.  They have been instructed to stay home if they are ill with any of the symptoms of the virus and will not be permitted to return to work until they have clearance from a physician as an added safety measure for our patients.

     If you are a patient at NovaSpine Pain Institute and COVID 19 has placed a burden on you or your family please let us know as we like to help.  Please call us at 623-777-4747 and let us know any special needs that you may have whether that be food, assistance or even toilet paper and we will do our best to help in any way that we can, no judgment or questions asked.   Giving back to the community that we serve is very important to us.

     Together we will get through this.  If there is anything that we can do to help you during this time don’t hesitate to let our staff know.

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