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Q: I am responsible with my opioid medication, why do I need Narcan?

A: That is a great question.  Narcan/Naloxone is the antidote medication given if an overdose of an opioid medication is suspected.  Overdose symptoms include extreme drowsiness, decreased level of consciousness and slowed shallow breathing.  Accidental overdose can happen to anyone.  There are many factors that contribute to accidental overdose.   One that many people overlook is if your body is weakened because of an illness. This can literally happen to anyone.  Receiving Narcan does not mean that we do not trust you to take the medication responsibly, it is just another safety measure that is taken.  Governor Ducey recently passed a bill encouraging Narcan be prescribed to patients receiving opioids with the intent of having it more available within our community.  You may not ever need it, but perhaps one day it could save the life of your neighbor, friend or family member .  Always remember, if Narcan is initiated 911 must be called even if the symptoms of overdose appear to be reversed. Thank you so much for your question.

Shauna Papa, RN Shauna Papa has been working with Dr. Baker as his nurse for 3 years now. She enjoys working closely with him to develop plans of care to help people in pain. Her favorite aspect of her job is seeing her patients return to their lives after receiving relief from debilitating pain conditions. She participates yearly in Pain Week in Las Vegas where she keeps up on all of the the latest advancements in pain management. Prior to working in pain management, Shauna worked extensively in trauma and emergency medicine both in the Phoenix area, and in Denver. In her time away from the office, Shauna enjoys spending time with her husband Randy and their 3 dogs Shilo, Ozzy and Baxter. She is a football fan and in keeping with her Denver roots, is a Denver Bronco super fan.

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